Create a lasting tribute to a loved one

Tribute Fund Much Loved

Celebrate the life of a loved one by setting up a Tribute Fund

Create a Tribute

What is a Tribute Fund?

A Tribute Fund is a special place for you to share memories, photos, donations, and host fundraising events in memory of a loved one, in support of Nottingham Hospitals Charity.

Setting a Tribute Fund allows you to create an online space where you can gather, share and remember someone special for many years to come. It’s accessible at any time, and is open to friends and family wherever they are.

It’s a wonderful way to celebrate the life of a loved one, while supporting patients NHS staff here in Nottingham, in whichever area of the hospital is closest to your heart. 

Share special memories

Your Tribute Fund is a unique place for you to continue your loved one’s story for generations to come. You can choose to share it with your family, friends and the world or keep it just between a close group of people.

You may wish to use the page to mark significant dates such as birthdays, anniversaries or festive seasons. By continuing to share your page, you can continue to celebrate the life of that special person, raise money in their honour and make a difference to patient care across Nottingham.

Set up a Tribute
Your data will be processed securely by MuchLoved. For more information, please see their privacy policy

Tribute Fund FAQs

How long does it take to set up a Tribute Fund?
It should only take a few minutes to set up your Tribute Fund. Simply visit MuchLoved for more information, but do get in touch if you need any help.
Can I keep it private?
Absolutely, you can keep your Tribute Fund as a private space for close loved ones, which can’t be found unless you share the link with someone.
Do I have to pay to set up a Tribute Fund?
Not at all, setting up a Tribute Fund is completely free.
Where will the money from the Tribute Fund go?
You can set up your Tribute Fund to go towards any area of Nottingham Hospitals that you wish. Whether it’s where your loved one was treated, or you just want to make a difference to where the need is greatest, the money from your Tribute Fund will go to whichever area is most meaningful to you.
How long does the Tribute Fund last for?
The page will be kept open as long as you wish. We will never ask you to close your page, as we understand that it is a place of comfort and a source of memories for you and your loved ones.

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