Here we answer some of our most commonly asked questions.
Something you want to ask us?
What happens to my money when I donate?

It depends! If you donate without specifying what area of the hospital you’d like to support, this goes into our ‘general fund’, which is open for anyone from the Trust to apply for funding. Alternatively if you donate to a particular Appeal or area of the hospital, it will be safely earmarked for that. We have very robust criteria for our grants to be approved, so you can be sure that your money will help where it is needed the most.

Can I buy a bench or new TV for the hospitals?

As much as we would like to fund things like this - in reality they’re often not practical or asked for by the staff! We work really closely with NUH Trust to make sure your donations are used in the best possible way, to make sure your money will make the most difference to patient care. If you’d like to donate to a particular cause or piece of equipment, visit our Appeals page to see what is needed right now.

Did you get any money from Captain Sir Tom Moore?

We did! Captain Sir Tom Moore was an inspiration, and he fundraised for NHS Charities Together, which we are a member of. We work really closely with this organisation and apply for grants from Captain Tom’s fundraised money. To date, we’ve received around £200,000 and we are applying for more. 

If you want to make the biggest impact on your local community and be sure your money is being used to support Nottingham’s hospitals, then click here to make a direct donation to Nottingham Hospitals Charity.

Can I make a donation to a specific member of staff or team at the hospital?

If you’ve been looked after by our team of incredible staff in Nottingham’s hospitals, we understand that you might want to say thank you to those individuals specifically. While we’re not able to fund pay or bonuses for staff, we do work closely with the Trust to provide wellbeing support and fund projects which will directly impact our staff.

I work at Nottingham’s hospitals, how do I apply for a grant?
Complete a form on the Team NUH intranet (make sure to indicate whether your application is for a grant below or over £5,000) and follow the steps to submit. If you have any questions, just email charitygrants@nuh.nhs.uk with your query and our Grants team will get back to you.
What is Gift Aid and why is it important?
Gift Aid allows charities like us to claim an extra 25% on top of your donation from the HMRC, which will help us fund even more amazing projects at Nottingham’s Hospitals at no extra cost to you. It's really easy to add Gift Aid and there is no extra cost to do so - on all of our online and paper copy donation forms, there is a box you can tick to show us you want to apply for Gift Aid. As long as you donating your own money and are a UK taxpayer, we will receive an extra 25% on top of your donation. To find out more, visit out Gift Aid page here.
I'd like to donate by cheque, is that possible?
Yes! Cheques need to be made out to Nottingham Hospitals Charity and sent to our free post address: FREEPOST NUH CHARITY. You do not need to write anything else on the envelope and it does not need a stamp. On the back of the cheque, or in a covering letter, please indicate the area of the hospital that you would like your donation to support. You can also include your name and address so we can send you a thank you letter.
Where can I find you, I'd like to visit your offices?
How do I make a complaint?
We're sorry to hear that you wish to make a complaint. Please view our complaint procedure for more information on how to proceed. 

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