Support our Hayward House Appeal

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A Hayward House nurse smiles at a patient, holding her hand as they are both sitting together

Help support patients receiving end of life care at Nottingham hospitals’ palliative care unit

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We're so close to reaching a million. Please donate today

Hayward House provides specialist care and a home-from-home environment for more than 1,000 terminally ill patients each year. Can you help make end-of-life care in Nottingham the very best it can be?

A group of patients, staff and fundraisers all stand in the Hayward House garden
Thanks to our incredible supporters, the first stage of the Hayward House Appeal has begun with work now taking place to make the beautiful garden more accessible to everyone visiting Hayward House including those who who may have limited mobility or be bed bound.

Help us fund the next phases of the appeal which include:

The interpretation of the new reception at Hayward House features a woodland scene and green walls
Make the welcome feel more like coming home. With your help we can improve the entrance and reception area to make patients and their families feel more comfortable.
A nurse sits and listens to a patient talk whilst holding her hand in a comforting manner
Funding additional nursing posts and a specialist palliative care counselling team to ensure both patients and families receive compassionate care and support.
Two female researchers are looking at something on a specimen jar
Supporting vital and critical research into palliative care to ensuring students and staff across Hayward House and GPs across Nottingham provide the best palliative care possible.

Support patients and families like Colette

Colette’s mum Angela was looked after by the Day Therapy team at Hayward House and spent her final days surrounded by the loving care of the palliative care team. Colette explains why Hayward House was so important to her and her mum.

Your money will help Hayward House provide the best end-of-life care right here in Nottingham. Please help support families like Colette and Angela.

Support the Hayward House Appeal today

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