Nottingham Hospitals Youth Service

The Youth Service banner is in the focus and in the background you can see some people standing around the pool table.

After being established in 1998, the NUH Youth Service is the UK’s most established hospital-based youth service and has provided support for hundreds of patients from across Nottingham and beyond.

Money raised through Nottingham Hospitals Charity helps support the service by funding a youth club where young patients can get support from their peers, a youth room away from the ward environment, and residential trips for those patients who spend a lot of time in the hospital.

The Youth Service supports young patients aged 11 to 21, who are being treated at Nottingham Children’s Hospital, at the Queen’s Medical Centre.

Two people play table tennis. You can see the back of the person closest to the camera wearing a volunteer hoodie.

Youth club

The youth service run a youth club every Wednesday evening which allows young people a place to meet patients of similar ages away from the hospital grounds. The club provides facilities such as a pool table, board games and an inside sports hall, encouraging young people to interact and share experiences with their peers

A volunteer sits on a sofa talking to two people at the Youth Service

Mental health support

More recently, Nottingham Hospitals Charity has funded a Youth Development Worker, and a Young People’s Emotional Health Worker, in order to provide the very best care and support for young people in hospital. In early 2022 the Charity is funding a residential trip aimed specifically at supporting young people’s mental health during what can be a particularly difficult time for them.


"The Youth Service has helped me gain confidence and skills that I needed to work with young people through informal/formal teaching. 


"The Youth Service has been critical for my development as a teenager all the way through to a young adult. It has helped me in so many ways and I'm so thankful"


"The Youth Service offered a range of support whilst being an inpatient and outpatient. I used the Youth Club and activities that took place in the Youth Room before the pandemic."


"The Youth Service has helped me through to adult services and helped me achieve independence."


"It's somewhere where I can talk about my problems and worries."


"The Youth Service has helped me build my confidence."


"It has made me feel less lonely and I've made a lot of good friends throughout."


"It has helped me be more comfortable with my health condition and make friends I can relate to."


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