Our Dementia Choir and Vicky McClure visit Nottingham Hospitals

Vicky McClure sits on a chair with Our Dementia Choir as they sing at City Hospital

Posted on: 20 May 2022

As part of our activities for Dementia Action Week 2022, we were delighted to welcome Our Dementia Choir and local actress Vicky McClure as they visited the City Hospital for a special performance.

Our Dementia Choir, which was formed as part of a BBC documentary presented by acclaimed actress Vicky McClure, visited one of our beautiful garden areas at the City Hospital to perform for patients and NHS staff.

The group from Our Dementia Choir are performing. There are five members sitting at the front and five members are standing at the back.

Our Dementia Choir in action

The event was funded by Nottingham Hospitals Charity and organised by our Arts Coordinator, Megan Dawes, who works with patients and staff across Nottingham’s hospitals to provide art and musical activities.

During Dementia Action Week, Megan has worked with patients on dementia and older people’s wards to engage them in music and arts projects. These activities can help provide a distraction and comfort for patients, as well as engaging their minds and providing a focus.

Vicky McClure talks to another member of the dementia choir who is in a wheelchair. She is smiling at the choir member

Vicky McClure greets a member of the choir

The performance from Our Dementia Choir was enjoyed by patients and staff, who joined in a rendition of ‘Sweet Caroline’, singing and dancing along with enthusiasm.

Speaking about the event, Vicky McClure said: “It’s brilliant to be here. I’m so grateful that we’ve been able to do this, and work together – and that’s exactly what it’s about. It’s Dementia Action Week and it’s all about creating action, and what I love to see is things being done. We’re here today, bringing people together – it’s been a joyful day.”

Addressing Nottingham Hospitals staff at the event, Vicky said: “I want to thank every single one of you that’s here. I know that all the jobs that you do are so selfless and giving, and I’m so grateful. I wish I knew all your names so I could thank you all individually.”

Barbara and Vicky McClure sit on two chairs and smile widely at the camera

Barbara Cathcart and Vicky McClure

Barbara Cathcart, Chief Executive of Nottingham Hospitals Charity, said: “I really want to thank you so much for your support and bringing your choir to us today. It’s always very gratifying when charities work together for the greater good, and I think we’ve brought a lot of people happiness today.”

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to Nottingham Hospitals Charity, to enable special events like this to take place.

Vicky McClure poses with Sophie, Louise, Jules and Sam. They are all doing heart symbols with their hands

Vicky with the Nottingham Hospitals Charity team

Watch this very special performance below


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