NUH Staff recognised at ‘Just Do It’ Awards

Team NUH Session

Posted on: 27 Nov 2015

The ‘Just Do It’ initiative encourages frontline staff to quickly implement ideas that improve patient and staff experience. Supported by the Nottingham Hospitals Charity, the staff member who suggests the idea can make the change themselves. The Trust Board and NUH public members today recognised staff for twelve ‘Just Do It’ initiatives.

Today’s ‘Just Do It’ initiatives included; ‘A passport to Success for Carer’s’ – a card that provides details of the main carer and gives them greater access to assist older patients. ‘Dreams come true at summer school’ – a space’ in which pediatric inpatients can attend a summer school where they can take part in fun activities like painting and banner-making and ‘Boogie Boards a quick step towards better recovery’ – improving communication with e-writers for patients who have had their speech affected by surgery.

The Reverend Anne Ladd, Assistant Chaplain at NUH who had the idea for ‘Dreams come true at summer school’ said “‘the Dream space’ is a reflective space next to the Chapel, away from the wards and medical interventions. Whole families come and do crafts or are quiet together. One parent, painting a tile said that this was something he enjoyed. It helped his wellbeing as well as his child. The strain of caring for a sick child in hospital cannot be overestimated”.

Hundreds of successful Just Do It ideas have been put in place over the past five years in a scheme that has earnt national recognition. Just Do It’s are simple but effective at improving services. The initiative enables small changes to make a real difference and the principles behind the scheme are celebrated nationally as a means for driving improvement.


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