Support the NUH Homebirth Team

Donate to the Homebirth Appeal
Someone holds their babies feet in their hands and you can see how small they are

By supporting the Homebirth Team, you'll be helping to provide equipment and specialist support for expectant mothers who wish to experience a homebirth.

Homebirth logo

In the heart of Nottinghamshire, the incredible homebirth team works hard to help provide a safe and holistic service for expectant mothers who are looking to have a dedicated homebirth experience.

Our newly introduced appeal aims to support the homebirth service and enable it to offer valuable services to families who have chosen to have a birthing experience in the comfort and intimacy of their home. By supporting this appeal, you will play a vital role in the enhancement of birthing experiences for families, and help ensure the homebirth team can provide exceptional care.

Support the Homebirth Appeal

How your donations will help

A expectant mother is climbing into a birthing pool. You can see it from the top angle.

Donations will help provide highly sought-after and evidence-based birthing equipment such as birthing pools, TENs machines, and birthing stools, which may otherwise be inaccessible outside the hospital environment.

A stock photo of two expectant parents listening to a medical professional talk about something. They are happy and smiley

The appeal will help expand the experience and knowledge of the homebirth team to enable them to provide the best care within the community. This may include aromatherapy training, additional breech birth training, and complementary therapy training. Donations will ensure that the team can provide families with a well-rounded and informed approach to maternity care.

A mother sits in a birthing pool holding her newly born baby

The final stage of the appeal will help build a sense of community for those who are choosing a home birth. Donations will help fund safe and welcoming events that foster community engagement, build connections, and support education in a non-clinical and friendly environment.

By supporting this appeal, you will be making a lasting effect on the maternity community and ensuring that the homebirth team creates a calm and safe environment for homebirths.

We are delighted to be able to support this much-needed service to ensure that expectant mothers and their families get the best care during their maternity journey. Please donate to this vital service today.

Support the Homebirth Appeal

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