Neco 2

Neco's story

Baby Neco was born on 15th April 2023 – over 17 weeks premature. After a straightforward pregnancy, his mum Erin went into labour unexpectedly at less than 23 weeks gestation.

After birth, Neco was rushed straight to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to be placed in an incubator, and remained there for the first 21 weeks of his life, with mum Erin and dad Ben staying nearby in parent accommodation.

Erin said: “When Neco arrived so early and was rushed straight to the Neonatal Unit, I was so nervous as I didn’t know the outcome of what would happen. I never knew that the Neonatal Unit existed, until you have a preterm birth it’s a world you don’t really know about. I was anxious, scared and nervous of the unknown.”

Neco, Erin and Ben were all cared for by the team of nurses and doctors on the Neonatal Unit, which became a second home for them.

Erin said: “Neco received such good care whilst he was there, if it wasn’t for the doctors and nurses he wouldn’t be here today. When you’re there for a long time like we were, you build strong bonds with the nurses who just make the days more bearable.”

Neco with mum Erin and nurse Sarah Bray | Nottingham Hospitals Charity
Neco with mum Erin and nurse Sarah Bray

Neco was finally allowed home on 7th September, after 21 weeks on the Neonatal Unit, and Erin describes him as “an absolute ball of joy”.

As part of our Big Appeal for Nottingham Children’s Hospital, we want to help families like Neco and his parents. A new Neonatal Unit is being created at Nottingham’s hospitals, and our appeal will help fund home comforts like family rooms and comforting wall art, as well as specialist equipment for the babies being treated there.

Please donate to our Big Appeal today, to help babies like Neco.

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